Walk-in Birthday Party Guidelines
Thank you for choosing Sun Mountain Fun Center for your celebration!
While we do allow walk-in birthday parties and we appreciate your patronage, we have a few guidelines we need for you and your party to follow:
Tables located on the bowling concourse are designated for patrons that are bowling, and should only be used if your party is actually bowling and only during the time a game is in session. For your celebration, meal and gift exchange you may use any of the tables located in the public seating area outside of bowling. Check with staff before setting up.
Please do not move tables and chairs together without the assistance of our staff. Kindly leave adequate chairs and seating for other guests.
While we do not take reservations, we request that you call ahead and let us know approximately how many people you are expecting so that we can prepare our staff for your party. Without a call ahead we may not be able to accomodate you on a busy day.
We allow decorations for your party that do not require tape or any other fasteners to hold them down. No nails, staples, tape or glue are permitted.

Thanks again for helping us make Sun Mountain Fun Center an enjoyable experience for all. If you need assistance or have questions please do not hesitate to ask a member of our friendly staff.